Meeting documents

  • Meeting of High Wycombe Town Committee, Tuesday, 12th June, 2018 7.00 pm (Item 6.)

A verbal update by John Callaghan (Team Leader - Infrastructure and Projects, WDC).


The Team Leader – Infrastructure and Projects gave Members a verbal update on the progress of agreeing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to repair / renew the High Street. 


It was noted that the majority of the High Street and surrounding areas were considered to be conservation areas.


Members were informed that over the years the Highway funding had never been in abundance so had focused on Category 1 defects which they had repaired with black top patchwork.  It was noted that Bucks County Council had been responsible for the repairs made to the Town Centre and that better quality materials were used on an adhoc basis. 


The Team Leader – Infrastructure and Projects explained that what had been missing had been a more formal arrangement.  It was noted that WDC had drafted a memorandum of understanding which stated the willingness to fund repair works in the Town Centre using CIL.  Members were informed that there was £106,000 in the capital programme to use for this purpose and that BCC would be responsible for carrying out monthly inspections.  It was hoped the memorandum of understanding agreement, once signed, would ensure that the Town Centre was better and continually maintained in the future.  Members were informed that it was hoped this agreement would be completed by the end of summer / end of September at the very latest.


The Chairman invited the County Councillor for the area in question, Councillor Lesley Clarke, to address the Committee.  Councillor Lesley Clarke explained that unfortunately the change of staff at BCC had resulted in a delay with regard to the agreement being signed but that she hoped this could be done without further delay.   


In the ensuing discussion the following points were noted:

  • One Member stated that he would have preferred the money allocated to changing the road layout to have been spent on making repairs to the High Street.
  • That it was believed acrylic grouting would be used to make repairs in the High Street.
  • The Team Leader – Infrastructure and Projects explained that the quality of the repair works being done relied on the contractors appointed doing a good job.  It was felt that improvements with regard to the quality of work had been made over the years. 
  • It was suggested that a single surface be used in the Pauls Row area which would in turn help people with mobility issues.  The Team Leader – Infrastructure and Projects stated that he was unable to comment on the Paul’s Row area but that it might be a subject that was revisited in the future.  It was requested that if it was revisited that local Members be consulted.
  • One Member stated that he believed the High Street needed to be decluttered from street clutter.  The Team Leader – Infrastructure and Projects informed Members that decluttering took place in 2011 when a high volume of unnecessary street signs had been removed. 


The Chairman thanked the Team Leader – Infrastructure and Projects for answering Members questions.